Have all of the moles on your body quickly, painlessly and accurately examined for peace of mind with our mole mapping services.
Mole mapping is a non-invasive procedure that utilises specialist imaging technology to take up close, highly detailed images of your skin. Our dermatologists will then closely examine each mole to see how they look — and if they can become cancerous or not.
We recommend mole mapping if you are at an increased risk of developing skin cancer. Risk factors include:
Mole mapping tracks changes in your moles over time, looking for signs associated with melanoma including moles that have changed size, shape or colour. New ‘moles’ may also appear on the skin and display unusual symptoms such as itchiness, or bleeding.
Although the purpose of mole mapping is to focus on moles and how they develop, the high-resolution images will also allow our dermatologists to look out for non-melanoma lesions and skin growths. This may also include ‘new’ growths or unusual patches of skin that don’t heal, or that itch or bleed.
Mole mapping can help to ease your mind if you are worried about skin cancer. With our low-cost, convenient service right in the heart of London, you won’t have to worry about potentially long GP referrals. You will be in the hands of fully qualified dermatologists with the knowledge to spot potential skin problems early on.
Our mole mapping consultations are quick, straightforward, and painless. Here’s what to expect: